My list of foods that start with P includes everything from appetizers and desserts to condiments, fruits, and vegetables. This list challenge answer set is the perfect starting point for eating the alphabet, cooking the alphabet, or any other alphabetized food challenges. Just look at how many delicious recipes and ingredients start with the letter P!
Start with my tasty plum cobbler, prime rib quesaritos, or peach pie recipes.

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- 92+ Foods That Start With The Letter P
- 🍉 Fruits & Nuts That Start With P
- 1. Papaya
- 2. Passionfruit
- 3. Pawpaw
- 4. Peach
- 5. Peanut
- 8. Pepitas
- 9. Persimmon
- 10. Pineapple
- 11. Pistachios
- 12. Plantain
- 13. Plum
- 14. Plumcot
- 15. Pomegranate
- 16. Pumpkin
- 17. Prune
- 🥕 Vegetables That Start With P
- 18. Parsnip
- 19. Peas
- 20. Pimento
- 21. Potato
- 🧂 Condiments, Herbs, and Spices That Start With P
- 22. Parsley
- 23. Pineapple Curd
- 24. Pinole
- 25. Pepita Butter
- 26. Pepper
- 27. Pesto
- 🍽️ Appetizers & Side Dishes That Start With P
- 28. Panocha
- 29. Pilaf
- 30. Pilau
- 31. Pinto Beans
- 32. Pita
- 33. Polenta
- 34. Popover
- 35. Puri
- 🧀 Cheese That Starts With P
- 36. Paneer
- 37. Parmesan
- 38. Pecorino
- 🍗 Proteins and Main Courses That Start With P
- 39. Paella
- 40. Parrotfish
- 41. Pancetta
- 42. Pasties
- 43. Pastrami
- 44. Pate
- 45. Pekin Duck
- 46. Pemmican
- 47. Pepperoni
- 48. Percebes
- 49. Perogies
- 50. Pho
- 51. Picadillo
- 52. Pike
- 53. Pizza
- 54. Plaice
- 55. Pollock
- 56. Pork
- 57. Pork Chop
- 58. Pea Soup
- 59. Porridge
- 60. Porterhouse
- 61. Pot Pie
- 62. Potage
- 63. Poulet
- 64. Prawns
- 65. Prosciutto
- 66. Pulled Pork
- 67. Pancakes
- 🍝 Pasta and Pasta Dishes That Starts With P
- 68. Pad Thai
- 69. Pasta
- 70. Penne
- 🍟 Snacks That Start With P
- 71. Pakora
- 72. Pickles
- 73. Popcorn
- 74. Pretzel
- 🍰 Desserts That Start With P
- 75. Pandoro
- 76. Pandowdy
- 77. Panettone
- 78. Panna Cotta
- 79. Parfait
- 80. Paska
- 81. Pastry
- 82. Patty
- 83. Pavlova
- 84. Peach Melba
- 85. Peppermint
- 86. Phyllo
- 87. Pies
- 88. Pineapple Upside Down Cake
- 89. Poi
- 90. Praline
- 91. Profiteroles
- 92. Pudding
- 📖 Recipe Card
- Foods That Start With P: Pumpkin Seed Butter (+ More Tasty Foods!)
- 💬 Reviews
92+ Foods That Start With The Letter P
If you are taking part in any of the fun food challenges like eating or cooking through the alphabet, then you are in the right place! This list has almost 100 different foods and ingredients that start with the letter P, including American recipes and international cuisine!
No matter why you are looking for foods that start with P, you have plenty of options to choose from. There are fruits, vegetables, appetizers, main courses, snacks, desserts, and so much more!
🍉 Fruits & Nuts That Start With P
1. Papaya
A type of fruit from Central America. The flavor of papaya is somewhere between mango and melon.
2. Passionfruit
The fruit of a Passiflora vine. Passion fruit comes in a variety of colors and the flavors range from tart to sweet.
3. Pawpaw
Pawpaw is the largest edible fruit that grows in the United States (not counting gourds). The flavor is like a tropical fruit that tastes somewhat like a combination of banana, mango, and kiwi.
4. Peach
A juicy edible fruit that grows on a deciduous tree. Peaches can be used in everything from pies to salads!
5. Peanut
A peanut is actually a legume rather than a nut. It can be used in sweet recipes like candy or in savory recipes like kung pao chicken!
Peanuts can also be processed and made into peanut butter, which can make many tasty recipes of its own!
6. Pear
Pears are an edible fruit that grows on trees and are harvested in the Northern Hemisphere between August and October. Their texture ranges from crisp to buttery and they come in a variety of shapes and flavors!
>>>See All Of My Tasty Recipes Here!<<<
7. Pecan
Pecans are a nut with a buttery texture and sweet nutty flavor. Though they are commonly used in desserts, they can also be used to add sweetness and texture to meat and other savory dishes.
8. Pepitas
Pepitas are edible seeds from a pumpkin. They can be roasted or eaten raw in soups or salads!
Pepitas add a wonderful crunch to desserts as well, like my pumpkin fudge poke cake!
9. Persimmon
Persimmon is a fruit, technically a berry, which is similar to tomatoes in that no one actually refers to them as a berry. When ripe, they taste sweet and mild almost like honey.
10. Pineapple
A tropical plant that is indigenous to South America and produces edible fruit. Pineapple tastes both sweet and sour, with fruit closer to the base tasting sweeter than the rest.
11. Pistachios
Pistachios are a member of the cashew family that originated in the Middle East and Central Asia. The natural sugars in the nut give it a subtle sweetness while the fat and protein content adds some savory notes.
12. Plantain
Plantains are a fruit that looks like bananas but doesn't taste like them. They are hard and starchy, which yields itself nicely to being fried, boiled, or mashed.
13. Plum
A type of stonefruit with a waxy skin on the outside and usually a sweet-tasting flesh inside. When dried, plums become prunes!
14. Plumcot
A plumcot is a stonefruit. This hybrid species is made by crossing a plum with an apricot! The flavor is sweet with plenty of refreshing acidity.
15. Pomegranate
The edible fruit of a deciduous shrub is packed with nutrients! The flavor is quite similar to cranberries. You can also eat the seeds and many consider them a healthy snack.
16. Pumpkin
A certain species of mature winter squash. The flavor profile of pumpkin is incredibly similar to sweet potato, and though it is used in many sweet desserts, it also yields itself to savory recipes like soup!
17. Prune
A dried plum. Prunes are known to be a natural laxative because they have high concentrations of dihydrophenylisatin (as well as vitamin C)!
🥕 Vegetables That Start With P
18. Parsnip
A root type of vegetable similar in flavor and texture to a carrot. Parsnips hold up well to heat and can also be used as a substitute for potatoes in many recipes!
19. Peas
A small, round seed that is grown in a pod on a flowering plant (Pisum sativum). They are pleasantly sweet with thin skin that gives them a delicate texture.
20. Pimento
Pimento (or pimiento) is a red pepper that has very little heat. They are most known for being diced and stuffed into green olives.
21. Potato
Potatoes are hearty root vegetables that are incredibly starchy and mellow in flavor. You can cook them in a variety of ways, though they are typically enjoyed with savory seasonings or in savory recipes. Potatoes are the third most important food crop in the entire world, surpassed only by rice and wheat.
🧂 Condiments, Herbs, and Spices That Start With P
22. Parsley
A common herb used primarily for cooking. Parsley tastes somewhat bitter with a peppery flavor that adds a nice balance to savory recipes.
23. Pineapple Curd
A tropical fruit filling or topping (or dip) made with canned pineapple juice, cornstarch, sugar, butter, and eggs. It is delicious on desserts like ice cream or parfaits as well as inside baked goods!
24. Pinole
Pinole, aka pinol or pinollilo, is ground maze that has been roasted and mixed with various spices. Typically, cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon, or agave. The resulting powder is used in many different foods such as cereal or baked goods.
25. Pepita Butter
A nut-free spread that can be made with raw or roasted pumpkin seeds. It is delicious on bread but can also be enjoyed on veggies like celery or fruit like apples!
26. Pepper
Black pepper comes from a peppercorn that is grown on a certain flowering vine. The peppercorn is dried and ground down to make spices and seasonings.
27. Pesto
Pesto is a sauce that, at its base, is made with fresh basil, pine nuts, olive oil, salt, and Parmesan. It is most commonly used in Italian recipes but is also delicious on meat, sandwiches, or in salads.
🍽️ Appetizers & Side Dishes That Start With P
28. Panocha
A Mexican porridge made with panocha powder and sweetener. This name may also be used in the United States to describe sweet bread or other sweet foods made with panocha sweetener and flour.
29. Pilaf
A middle Eastern or Indian side dish made with rice. The rice is usually cooked in a broth with added spices and occasionally meat and/or vegetables.
30. Pilau
Rice cooked in a well-seasoned broth. Usually with celery and onions and meat like shellfish, chicken, or wild game.
31. Pinto Beans
A common bean variety (Phaseolus vulgaris). Pinto beans are often eaten whole or mashed and fried.
32. Pita
A yeast-leavened flatbread that is very common in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and surrounding areas. One common version of pita bread is known to have a pocket on the inside that is perfect for filling with meat or other foods.
33. Polenta
Polenta is an easy side dish made from yellow cornmeal. It can be enjoyed hot as porridge or allowed to cool and solidify before slicing or grilling it.
34. Popover
A light roll made with an egg batter base that is somewhat similar to Yorkshire pudding. The key difference is the pan used to bake them, Yorkshire puddings can be made in a standard muffin pan while popovers usually have a specified pan where the walls are straight up and down instead of tapered.
35. Puri
A deep-fried bread that originated in India. It can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch, or dinner with savory dishes like curry or with sweet dishes.
🧀 Cheese That Starts With P
36. Paneer
Also known as Indian cottage cheese. This non-aged, non-melting cheese is made by adding acid, like lemon juice, to cow or buffalo milk.
37. Parmesan
A hard Italian cheese that is made with cow's milk and aged for a minimum of 12 months. The texture is hard and gritty, making it perfect for grating.
38. Pecorino
Pecorino is the name given to all Italian cheeses made with sheep's milk. The most well-known of these is Pecorino Ramono which has a hard texture and salty flavor.
🍗 Proteins and Main Courses That Start With P
39. Paella
A Spanish rice dish with rice, vegetables, and seafood. Flavored greatly from using saffron.
40. Parrotfish
Parrotfish are tropical fish that thrive around the world's coral reefs. Many consider the mild white flesh of the parrotfish to be a delicacy!
41. Pancetta
Italian salt-cured pork belly. The flavor of pancetta is similar to bacon but without the added smokiness.
42. Pasties
Handheld pastry pies stuffed with a variety of fillings. They are often filled with meat and vegetables but can also have a sweet filling.
43. Pastrami
Deli meat that is typically made from beef brisket, but can also be made with lamb, chicken, turkey, or pork. It is put into a brine, seasoned, smoked, and boiled or steamed.
44. Pate
Pate can be one of 2 things. First is a meat paste made by combining ground beef liver, seafood, or chicken with seasoning until it becomes creamy. The second is a small pastry that may be filled with fish or meat.
45. Pekin Duck
A Chinese recipe for a whole-cooked duck that originated in Beijing. The thin and crispy skin is one of the best elements of Pekin duck and it traditionally is prepared and served with more skin than meat.
46. Pemmican
A type of preserved meat made by combining tallow, other dried meats, and sometimes berries. The high protein content and calorie density have made pemmican a favorite 'emergency food' for survivalists and the like.
47. Pepperoni
A variety of somewhat spicy salami that's made in America. It usually is thinly sliced, bright red, and slightly smokey. Pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping in the majority of the world.
48. Percebes
Also called gooseneck barnacles, these arthropods are considered a delicacy. The meat that can be found inside the 'neck' is briny and sweet.
49. Perogies
Polish dumplings that are made with unleavened dough. The filling can be savory or sweet!
50. Pho
A Vietnamese noodle soup made with broth. It usually consists of thinly sliced meat, often beef, and a number of garnishes like bean sprouts, chiles, or fresh herbs.
51. Picadillo
A traditional dish out of Latin America and the Philippines. It has many variations but is typically made with hash or stew meat and used as a filling for sandwiches or tacos.
52. Pike
A long-bodied freshwater fish that is known for being aggressive. Pike meat is white and flaky with a mild light flavor.
53. Pizza
A popular dish that originated in Italy consisting of a round, flat base made with wheat dough. There are endless combinations of toppings, cheese, and sauces, but tomato sauce with mozzarella cheese and pepperoni is a common choice.
54. Plaice
A group of flatfish made up of 4 specific species. Plaice has a delicious umami flavor that makes this fish a great main course, usually with sides prepared separately.
55. Pollock
A marine fish from the North Atlantic. It is a light and flaky white fish that tastes very similar to cod.
56. Pork
The culinary name for the meat of domestic pigs. Pork can be eaten freshly cooked or cured.
57. Pork Chop
A lean cut of meat that is located perpendicular to the spine of a pig. Pork chops can be seared, roasted, grilled, or smoked!
58. Pea Soup
A savory soup made with dried peas that is often yellow or green in color. It is common to add ham hocks or ham bones to add flavor and some meat to the soup.
59. Porridge
A versatile food made by boiling or heating starchy plants such as grain. It can be topped with fruit, syrup, or honey to make a sweet dish or mixed with seasonings and meat to make a savory meal.
60. Porterhouse
A steak that is cut from the rear end of the short loin of cattle. It has a T-shaped bone similar to a T-bone and is very tender and well-marbled.
61. Pot Pie
A meat pie with a flaky pastry crust on top and bottom. It can be made with a variety of fillings including chicken, seafood, beef, and vegetables.
62. Potage
A thick stew or soup that is made by boiling vegetables and grains as well as meat or fish occasionally. Potage is usually pureed and served at the beginning of a meal.
63. Poulet
A French term for the flesh of a chicken that is used in cooking. Chicken can be used in a wide variety of recipes and is one of the most-used proteins in the world.
64. Prawns
A small crustacean that has 10 legs and an exoskeleton. Prawns have 3 sets of legs whereas shrimp only have 2, they are otherwise similar in flavor and texture.
65. Prosciutto
Dry-cured ham that is thinly sliced, uncooked, and unsmoked. Prosciutto has been considered a delicacy since the 20th century.
66. Pulled Pork
A BBQ dish from the southern United States. Pulled pork is generally slow-cooked for hours before being shredded and oftentimes smothered in BBQ sauce.
67. Pancakes
A round, flat cake made from a batter that is often enjoyed at breakfast. Maple syrup and butter are common toppings, though it is not uncommon to see fruit, powdered sugar, or other sweet toppings.
🍝 Pasta and Pasta Dishes That Starts With P
68. Pad Thai
A dish originating in Thailand that is often served as a "street food". Consisting of stir-fried rice noodles. Typically included are chicken, egg, and vegetables.
69. Pasta
A general term that encompasses a wide variety of pasta types including spaghetti, lasagna, and macaroni. Pasta is made from unleavened dough that is pressed into sheets or other shapes.
70. Penne
A cylindrical-shaped pasta with angled ends and a hollow center. Penne is one of the most popular types of pasta and the shape lends itself well to chunky meat or vegetable sauces.
🍟 Snacks That Start With P
71. Pakora
An Indian fried snack. These crispy fritters are often sold by street vendors paired with chutney.
72. Pickles
Cucumbers that have been soaked for an extended period of time in a brining solution. They can be left whole or sliced into thin, more manageable pieces.
73. Popcorn
A grain, or corn kernel, that puffs up when exposed to heat. Popcorn is usually salted and buttered, but can also be made to include sweeter coatings like chocolate or caramel.
74. Pretzel
A type of bread that is shaped into a knot and baked. Pretzels can be thin and crisp, or fluffy and soft!
🍰 Desserts That Start With P
75. Pandoro
An Italian Christmas favorite. Basically, a rich eggy type of bread made from flour, eggs, butter, and dusted with powdered sugar.
76. Pandowdy
An American dessert made with spiced fruit and pastry or pie crust. The difference between pandowdy and pie is that pandowdy only has a top crust.
77. Panettone
An Italian sweet bread that is popular around Christmastime. Similar to fruitcake, panettone is often filled with a variety of dried fruits or peels but can also include chocolate chips.
78. Panna Cotta
An Italian dessert made by combining gelatin and sweetened cream. It is typically molded into a mound or other semi-spherical shape.
79. Parfait
The term 'parfait' can refer to 2 different desserts. One is a French custard-like dessert whereas the American version is made with yogurt and typically fruit and/or granola.
80. Paska
A Ukranian Easter bread. It is rich in egg and butter and comes in many ornate and beautiful holiday shapes.
81. Pastry
A sweet or savory baked food made with a dough of flour and shortening or butter. They are commonly filled or topped with nuts, fruits, icing, or chocolate.
82. Patty
A peppermint confection coated in dark chocolate. The center is soft and sweet while also cool and minty.
83. Pavlova
A meringue-based dessert that is formed into the shape of a cake. The exterior of the pavlova is crisp and delicate while the inside is fluffy and soft, almost like marshmallows.
84. Peach Melba
A dessert of peaches, raspberry sauces, and vanilla ice cream that was invented in 1892 at the Savoy hotel in London, England.
85. Peppermint
A hybrid mint species made by combining winter mint and spearmint. It can be enjoyed in drinks, candy, used as an essential oil, as well as taken as an herbal supplement.
86. Phyllo
A thin and unleavened type of dough that is very flaky and often used in pastry making such as baklava.
87. Pies
A baked dish that is made with a pastry dough crust. Pies can have sweet or savory fillings but are most often served as desserts.
88. Pineapple Upside Down Cake
A popular retro dessert that is made by placing pineapples and sometimes cherry in the bottom of the baking dish so they are on top when the cake is flipped over. Pineapple upside-down cake became an instant success in the 1920s once canned pineapples were produced.
89. Poi
A classic Samoan dessert made with by mashing coconut milk and bananas into a creamy paste that is typically enjoyed chilled.
90. Praline
A sweet confection that consists of nuts, usually pecans, hazelnuts, or almonds, as well as sugar and oftentimes cream. This fudgy, chewy candy is very common in the Southern United States.
91. Profiteroles
Profiteroles are also known as cream puffs or chou à la crème. They consist of a fluffy pastry ball that has a filling made of whipped cream, ice cream, custard, or pastry cream.
92. Pudding
In North America, pudding is a creamy custard-like dessert. Internationally, it usually refers to a sweet or savory steamed dish that is made with flour.
Is there anything that I am missing from this list of familiar and 'new-to-you' international foods that start with the letter P? Leave a comment and let me know below so I can get them added!
Do you love a recipe you tried? Please leave a 5-star 🌟rating in the recipe card below and/or a review in the comments section further down the page.
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📖 Recipe Card
Foods That Start With P: Pumpkin Seed Butter (+ More Tasty Foods!)
- 8 oz pepitas (see notes for shelling and roasting if using whole pumpkin seeds)
- 2 teaspoon coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
(Note: 2x or 3x only changes the ingredient list)
- If you are not using roasted pepitas, you will need to shell and roast the pumpkin seeds.
- Combine ingredients in the bowl of your food processor (or Nutribullet, or Vitamix).
- Pulse the food processor a few times, then set to high for about a minute.
- Use a spatula to scrape the sides and bottom of the food processor bowl, then return to the high setting for another minute or two.
- Scrape the sides down again as needed, and continue to process the pumpkin seeds until the oils begin to work into the butter.
- Once you have reached your desired spreadable consistency, remove from the food processor and transfer to an airtight container for storage.
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