28 Best Leftover Prime Rib Recipes: Prime Rib Fried Rice (+More Great Ideas!)
Leftover prime rib recipes are my specialty! Use that amazing leftover prime rib with my huge list of unique recipes! If you're like me, you don't do anything halfway, especially when talking about portions of hearty, delicious prime rib (or standing rib roast)! I always cook a much larger portion than needed, just so I can make all of these wonderful leftover recipe ideas!!
Bring your wok with the peanut oil to high heat. Once the oil is starting to smoke, add the beaten egg directly in the center of the oil. Stir vigorously while breaking up the egg as it cooks in the hot oil (about 1 minute).
1 tablespoon peanut oil, 1 large egg
Break the rice apart before adding to your wok or frying pan. The add the fully cooled, cooked long grain white rice into the wok.
2 cups cooked white rice
Stir the soy sauce into the fried rice and eggs. Next, add the thawed peas and carrots mixture (I prefer to warm my frozen mixed peas n carrots before adding them) along with the chopped or diced prime rib leftovers. Stir to mix them into the fried rice.
2 tablespoon soy sauce, ⅓ cup peas and carrots, 1 cup prime rib roast
Finish the fried rice off by tossing with a drizzle of sesame seed oil and sprinkling the sliced green onion into the fried rice (or just on top as garnish when serving, if desired). Stir and serve immediately.
½ teaspoon sesame seed oil, ½ tablespoon green onion
Rinsing your rice prior to cooking will help to ensure that you don't have clumpy fried rice.
Leftover, chilled white rice works best.
To use freshly cooked rice in a hurry, cook the rice then spread it on a baking sheet to cool quickly.
Use medium to long grain rice. Do not use short grain rice or Minute Rice. Jasmine rice is my favorite.
A wok with searing hot oil is best! If you don't have a wok, a large skillet, frying pan, or Dutch oven will also work.