Hello and welcome to Bake It With Love, where I share all my favorite recipes with easy-to-follow instructions to help you make delicious food at home!

I'm Angela, a foodie and vintage cookbook collector. I'm also the at-home chef behind BIWL and the creator of the recipes shared here.
I love being a stay-at-home mom! My youngest daughter is 16, driving now (so scary!), and her creativity is boundless!

My husband and I have celebrated our 21st anniversary. We have always enjoyed cooking together; it's truly one of our favorite things to do as a couple. Ed has inspired so many of the recipes on BIWL!
That shared love of cooking drove me to create Bake It With Love, a place to save all my recipes. And, of course, to share them!
I began working on the site in 2016 as a way to stay home with kids, and Ed was able to join me full-time in 2020.
Bake It With Love has celebrated its 8th blog anniversary (blogiversary); along the way, we've been joined by some amazing people. Read all about the team here!
I Learned To Cook
My experience in the kitchen started at a young age as my Grandma Janet's (affectionately known as Granny Janny) baking assistant. I have quite a bit of her kitchen decor, and I treasure having her copper cookie cutters and gingerbread molds (both copper and ceramic).
Most importantly, I treasure my wonderful memories of such a fantastic lady...standing shoulder to shoulder, rolling out sugar cookie dough at Christmastime.
Yes, I was on a step stool to reach the counter, but you get the pictureโvery fond memories. And when I smell sugar cookies, oatmeal molasses cookies, or gingerbread, I immediately feel the nostalgia coming on strong.
Bake It With Love
I've been building this online recipe site for 8 years now, with over 2000 recipes. Every day, I am thankful for the opportunity it has given me to be a part of my readers' lives.
I am truly humbled by the outpouring of love we receive, and I can't wait to help others build their confidence in the kitchen!
I hope you enjoy the site, the recipes, and photo tutorials and that you feel free to ask any questions about recipe particulars. Ed and I try to respond as quickly as possible during the week, with weekends being spent away from the computer and devoted to quality family time and (weather permitting) some time in the fresh air.
Most Loved Recipes
What I'm Loving Right Now!
Here are some of my quirky, fun facts you might get a kick out of!
Music & Podcasts I'm Listening To
My husband and I are big fans of The 1975, plus, we've recently discovered synth wave music on youtube - it sounds so much like the 80's music from our youth. Check it out! Here's one of our favorite channels, the Midnight.
We love listening to the various topics that Jeremy Scott Fitness shares. Patrick Bet-David is another great variety host that we find entertaining and informative.
Books I Think Are Worth Reading
I just got Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills, edited by Abigail Gehring. I've been skimming several topics and picking which ones to try!
Other than my homesteading books, I also really enjoy Sci-Fi and have always been a huge fan of the Shannara series by Terry Brooks. My husband introduced me to Dragonlance, which is right up my alley, too.
What I'm Planning For Spring 2024
This is a loaded question! I always have way more projects and ideas than time, but fingers crossed, I can tackle it all. The garden fence is finished now, with the paint on it, and the gate is attached.
Next, is adding the wire to keep all the cottontail bunnies and raccoons out and filling the boxes. We've got a trellis ready to set by the entrance, and I have more fruit trees and bushes to add this year. Yay!
I picked up 6 chicks this year for laying hens, so now they're brooding in the garage. I'll be converting one of my horse stalls to a coop and adding an outdoor chicken run, too.
My first cookbook is out and ready to purchase. I hope you grab a copy of my favorite family dinners for your kitchen!
2030 Bucket List
Things I'd love to do in the next few years include visiting Thailand, where I'd like to stay in an overwater bungalow and watch a Muay Thai match.
Apparently, you can rent cabins in a wolf preserve in Canada. Watching the wolves in their natural habitat and the Northern Lights would be an amazing experience!
Reach Out To Me
You can email me at angela@bakeitwithlove.com or use the contact form below. Mail to Bake It With Love, 316 S 1st St, Ste 163, Montevideo, MN 56265.
Throughout my site, you will see affiliate links, usually featuring products I use regularly or specialty items that are called for in my recipes. Following these links to purchase items from my affiliates will not cost you more, but they help support the site and keep new recipes coming. You can also support the site by joining us as a subscriber on YouTube or Rumble, joining me on Patreon, and sharing your favorite recipes found here on Bake It With Love. Thank you for making me a part of your daily meals, and happy cooking!